

An Herbalist’s Travel Apothecary

The older I get the more I love the adventure of traveling, and as opportunities continually come up, it gets harder and harder to stay put.

An Herbalist’s Travel Apothecary

The older I get the more I love the adventure of traveling, and as opportunities continually come up, it gets harder and harder to stay put.

Heartburn and Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Case St...

One of the big lessons I learned from studying medicinal plants is that, when a health concern isn’t an immediate emergency, it is better to focus on supporting the living...

Heartburn and Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Case St...

One of the big lessons I learned from studying medicinal plants is that, when a health concern isn’t an immediate emergency, it is better to focus on supporting the living...

Natural Solutions To Occasional Heartburn

Contrary to popular belief, in most cases heartburn is not caused by too much stomach acid, but too little. Although we feel heartburn in our chest...

Natural Solutions To Occasional Heartburn

Contrary to popular belief, in most cases heartburn is not caused by too much stomach acid, but too little. Although we feel heartburn in our chest...

Chamomile: A Popular Herb With A Strong Record ...

German chamomile Matricaria recutita, also known as Matricaria chamomilla or Chamomilla recutita is one of the best-known medicinal herbs in the world...

Chamomile: A Popular Herb With A Strong Record ...

German chamomile Matricaria recutita, also known as Matricaria chamomilla or Chamomilla recutita is one of the best-known medicinal herbs in the world...

Five Ways To Stop Your Sugar Cravings

What happens if you eat too much sugar? Sugar is a primary life source, and our bodies require it for energy. The body responds quickly to sugar as...

Five Ways To Stop Your Sugar Cravings

What happens if you eat too much sugar? Sugar is a primary life source, and our bodies require it for energy. The body responds quickly to sugar as...

Feed Your Microbiome!

If you ask an herbalist, they will be sure to tell you that what you put into your body matters, and that digestion is the root of great health.

Feed Your Microbiome!

If you ask an herbalist, they will be sure to tell you that what you put into your body matters, and that digestion is the root of great health.